Simhub And Opentrac...
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Simhub And Opentrack\trackhat not playing nicely with each other

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i have noticed an issue with sim hub and opentrack head tracking. whenever a Dash is displayed on my vocore my head tracking locks up, it does not seem to be isolated to any 1 dash but the moment i enter a menu (so the dash is no longer displayed) or turn off the vocore screen entirely the tracking resumes. 

I'm playing ETS2 and ATS but i can replicate the issue when not in a game so I'm pretty sure its not down to games but software conflicting.

Anyone had this issue before and if so how was it fixed?

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Vertecs

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! If I'm not wrong open head tracking relies on webcam. I would think about a usb bandwidth issue (usbd480, vocore and all usb screens needs a lot of bandwidth). Could you try to reorganize how both devices are plugged to make sure to use two separate usb roots from your motherboard ? 

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@admin5435 Cant believe i never thought of that, ill give that a try tomorrow and see what happens

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@admin5435 so i tried unplugging the camera from my usb hub and plugging into multiple different ports inc front panel, does the same thing, as soon as the vocore screen is enabled and has a dash displayed it locks the head tracking up, if i run up the CL-EYE test program and look at that its fine, the camera can see the IR emitters and is not locked up.

I've downloaded open tracks software and it seems to work, guess its something to do with the trackhat software.
