Dear Simhub community good morning from Italy!
I'm writing here in order to try solve a problem that I'm facing since one month more or less. I have an Esportsim FSW 3 Wheel, with screen-display. Used more than one year without any problem, used for the telemetry (gear / rpm / speed / car settings) on Le Mans Ultimate and used also, really important to me, to have the LMU dashboard on the screen, because i find the dashboard very useful to check and manage battery/hybrid during the race.
Last month I completely updated my PC, build a new one, fresh installation of windows 11, all driver/software downloaded, updated and installed, so excited about new PC i switch on the wheelbase, the wheel and i get this error when i try to load dashboard from the wheel. (i have an image but i don't know how to upload).
Checked all the thing, IP address on the wheel (, checked the network connection, all was ok, checked the network connection RDNIS (needed to have the dashboard on the Esportsim FSW 3 wheel) and all was settled ok with the IP address.
Other things (like RPM / gear / speed / telemetry in general) is working fine, only thing that is no working normally are the dashboard on wheel. Tried everything, tried send back the wheel to Esportsim and at their office is working well, tried reboot the router, tried to again a fresh installation of windows, tried also the old PC but nothing, always same error.
Yesterday tried to reboot the PC keeping the wheel switched on and, with my HUGE astonishment, the dashboard is working perfectly.(i have a video but i don't know how to upload).
So tried again switch off PC and wheel, boot again PC, boot again wheel and....same error again. Tried again reboot pc keeping wheel switched on and...dash are working again.
Believe me guys, this thing make me crazy crazy crazy
How can I solve the matter?