Simhub hangs when s...
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Simhub hangs when switching to ACC

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As the title says I can't get Simhub to work with ACC, every time it tries to switch to it, it just hangs and I have to quit Simhub. I looked in the logs and see this error:


[2024-01-11 22:17:38,908] INFO - AssettoCorsaCompetizione game manager created
[2024-01-11 22:17:38,909] INFO - Setting listening UDP to 9000
[2024-01-11 22:17:38,909] ERROR - Error while loading game manager
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): The requested address is not valid in its context
at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Connect(String hostname, Int32 port)
at ksBroadcastingNetwork.ACCUdpRemoteClient..ctor(String ip, Int32 port, String displayName, String connectionPassword, String commandPassword, Int32 msRealtimeUpdateInterval)
at ACSharedMemory.ACCManager.set_UDPPort(Int32 value)
at SimHubWPF.MainWindow.CreateGameManager(SupportedGameManager game, Action`1 status)
at SimHubWPF.MainWindow.<ChangeGame>d__43.MoveNext()
[2024-01-11 22:17:38,910] ERROR - Error while loading game manager
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (0x80004005): The requested address is not valid in its context
at System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Connect(String hostname, Int32 port)
at ksBroadcastingNetwork.ACCUdpRemoteClient..ctor(String ip, Int32 port, String displayName, String connectionPassword, String commandPassword, Int32 msRealtimeUpdateInterval)
at ACSharedMemory.ACCManager.set_UDPPort(Int32 value)
at SimHubWPF.MainWindow.CreateGameManager(SupportedGameManager game, Action`1 status)
at SimHubWPF.MainWindow.<ChangeGame>d__43.MoveNext()

The error doesn't even make sense to me since I have no firewall on my PC and only connects my VPN when I'm downloading something. Any ideas how to fix this or a workaround?


It's the only game giving me this issue all the other works fine.


Prominent Member Admin
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Hi not being recognized is a typical symptom of an aggressive VPN. Could you try to uninstall it temporarily ?

I guess that disabled vpn means it won't redirect the data through the vpn network , but it probably keep processing your network data

This post was modified 1 year ago by Wotever

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I just tried it and it works without it which is weird since I had Simhub excluded from it.

Guess I'll check with the vendor if they have a solution for this since this is also my antivirus.


Thanks for your help!
