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Simhub intermittently freezes, giving no response on bass shaker

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Hi all,

I recently purchased software, and I'm really impressed by the functionality. But since I start using it (for my buttkicker gamer 2), the program freezes from time to time, giving no input to the shaker.

When I switch from the game (RR, F12019), the program is not reponding. Going back to the game, the shaker works after approx. 2 laps. 2 laps later the problem is back. 

This goes on repeatedly.

Am I missing a setting, or is this a known issue?

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! Definitely not a normal behaviour indeed 😀 Do not hesitate to provide me the log files in a bug ticket on github so I can take a look: (logs are stored in c:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\logs)  

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Okay, will send the logs. Additional info:

The functionality was lost 8 times tonight in a 14 laps during race in Bahrain (F1 2019). I kept on racing and I noticed that most of the times it stopt working when I crossed start/finish. At approx. 3/4 of the track (second to final straight) the functionality came back.

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Problem is solved. I had the software running on an external HDD, which gave the short interuptions. Thanks for your help Wotever!
