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Sound card issues, bass shaker project

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Hey guys, I just built my new pc (i714700k,z790 asus mobo, 4080 super, 32g ddr5 ram, windows 11 pro) and I am trying to swap my bass shaker setup that includes a leagy 7.1 external sound card, 3 nobsound mini amps and 6 dayton audio transducers. The system worked fine on my old pc and I configured the sound card the exact way I configured it on my old windows 10 pc. I found that all 8 channels in sim hub are sending a signal to my lf transducer and nothing to the other 5. I installed the driver I was given from leagy. Has anyone else run into this issue? I had no issues before this, also is there a better option in regards to the sound card with windows 11 

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