Streaming an overla...
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Streaming an overlay (OBS)

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I'm trying to stream an overlay, much like how I can stream a dashboard, but I can't get the overlay to appear the same way. For some reason I can see it on my screen, but OBS can't see the window. Does anyone know how to do this? 

FWIW I'm really just trying to show this kind of telemetry and steering angle:

Maybe I should be trying to find a *dashboard* that does exactly this instead of an *overlay*? Does such a thing exist? 

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Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! you need to make sure to capture the screen not the game, or you can embed it as a browser view into OBS using this link


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Posted by: @admin5435

Hi ! you need to make sure to capture the screen not the game, or you can embed it as a browser view into OBS using this link


Thanks! That worked. Unfortunately though the "Inputs Display" overlay doesn't have working traces in HTML mode. Do you know of any dashes/overlays that have a similar input trace overlay? 
