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Telemetry file - how to play with it on other PC

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Hi everyone,

I wonder if there is a way to run a recorded session on other PC. I have just copied telemetry files (json and json.metadata) to another PC which does not have any games installed, however the Simhub does not see them. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

My aim is to test new arduino display setup on another PC before I plug it to a PC simulator.

BTW I think it would be usefull to have a dashboard test bed tab in Simhub, where the arduino displays setup could be tested without game running.

Thank you for any suggestions.

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Hi ! In theory it should be fine, make sure not to rename them and to copy it in the related game folder, 

Also check that you haven't changed the replay folder in simhub settings, maybe it's not pointing to the same (like in my screen shot)


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Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for your suggestion. I did click "Start Game" button for the related game even knowing no game has been installed on my "test bed" PC and then Replay button works fine as you described. It seems the button points the right folder to read the files from, so selecting the game from the matrix is not enough. Thank you again!
