This Overlay is too...
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This Overlay is too large.....

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Often when I convert a Dashboard to an Overlay it reports (with a red band to highlight the Overlay entry) "This overlay is too large and can't be started, please split it in smaller parts"

[it should say "please split IT into smaller parts"  🙂   ]    but anyway.....

The Overlay still seems perfectly fine to USE it. I have not found any that do not work as expected (I have a bout 8 conversions with this 'error').

So WHAT does it really mean?

WHAT parts are really 'too big'?

How would you know what to alter to keep it all happy?

In the meantime... I just keep using them as they are, fine.....


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DOH... worked it out, and understand it all now......

I don't see any performance issue in mine, but it might be because for every case I use them they are scaled down quite a bit to be the 'right' size for a car (dash - via overlay) anyway. So MAYBE they are under 800x600 in the end anyway? If the scaling really does it like that. eg same end result as if it was actually made smaller in design in the first place?

Maybe this also means that if you have an 'acceptable', sub-800x600 overlay, BUT then scale it UP to some larger size, then that is just as bad = too large and will cause a notable performance hit.  ????


Does anyone know if scaling a large overlay DOWN, when you create an Overlay Layout, to be that sub-800x600, is actually a 'fix' in as far as bringing the performance hit back down a lot??

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Is there some EASY way to scale down an overlay completely, via the Dashboard Editor, where it will adjust ALL the item scalings itself mathematically so they are all still placed correct and work as intended?

The scaling in a Layoout Edit seems to do that all correctly and perfectly.... so maybe the Dashboard EDITOR could have that capability too (or added)???

