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USB bass shaker amps changing USB #

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I am having an issue with my USB Nobsound amps changing their USB # when I start my PC. I have to switch up and remap each one every time because they change numbers under the bass shaker device panel. Does anyone know how I can get the USB amps to keep the same number between startups/shutdowns?



First startup

Amp #1 - USB Device 1

Amp #2 - USB Device 4

Amp #3 - USB Device 5


Next day startup

Amp #1 - USB Device 1

Amp #2 - USB Device 7 - Unmapped Effects

Amp #3 - USB Device 8 - Unmapped Effects


I can get them to switch back to 4 & 5 sometimes if I restart the pc and reset the USB cable enough times.


Thank you in advance for any suggestions or help! 


bozwellox79 reacted
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I came here to look for an answer to this exact problem (I am also using a pair of Nobsound USB amps). Although for me it's not every time, but occasionally. It seems to be something to so with the order in which Windows identifies the devices.


Any ideas please?

Eminent Member
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I have the same issue with two Nobsound amps with integrated sound cards - can anyone suggest something to stop the second device changing its USB number each time?

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Hi all... as I experienced the same and got to this topic via inet search - there seems to be no real fix for this regarding my investigations. Its very convinient to use the amps also and directly as the usb sound device to configure in sim hub in the first place, but windows seems to have an issue with at least one of them and also always lost the name/number of at least one of them as a sound device... 

My workaround currently is to to use the sound device which was "stable" and reliable over the last weeks. I had driven the 5.1 speakers on my rig with an external 7.1 usb device and this one never changed. It lost its "default device" status during all my nob-configuration trial and error process from time to time but never its name removed link The 5.1 speakers on my rig now are powered by the onboard sound, which was not in use previously, but active

Config: 4 bass shaker mounted to the seat ... left/right = tl & wheel slip, back/butt = gear shift/rpms

First advantage: only one device in sim hub, channels fixed = functions fixed - also had the trouble that they, the usb devices changed their order, the result was TL & Wheels Slip,  gear, rmps changed their position

Second: naming/order seems to be stable now as i experienced before.

My guess is, it could be an issue with the count of devices or more likely trouble caused by similar named/branded ones ... as it only appeared with new nob-ones (mostly one of them) and there several others usb/bluetooth sound devices which do not behave as described.


Hope this helps to fix at least get your setups working more flawlessly! 




