I've been customizing a leaderboard that's been using Gary Swallow Plugin. I'm using the [GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position30.DriverStatus] property for all the drivers but I don't want it to display anything if they are on track. I only want to see this status when they are on an INLAP, INPIT, or OUTLAP. Seeing that for everycar on a 45 car leaderboard is too much. Similar to how the 2nd Screen Leaderboard hides the DNG/DQ/PIT info if the value is empty. The PIT indicator is written like this:
var Pos = '30';
var visible = 0;
var InPitBox = $prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position' + Pos + '.InPitBox');
var InPitLane = $prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position' + Pos + '.InPitLane');
if (InPitBox || InPitLane == '1'){visible = 1}
else visible = 0;
//return driver;
return visible;
The problem is I don't know how to find these variables that the game/plugin uses to determine where the car is.
I'm assuming I just need something like this but I don't know what the DriverStatus uses to see where the car is. InTrack needs to be changed.
var Pos = '30';
var visible = 1;
var InTrack = $prop('GarySwallowDataPlugin.Leaderboard.Position' + Pos + '.InTrack');
if (InTrack == '1'){visible = 0}
else visible = 1;
//return driver;
return visible;