Vocore Screen Commu...
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Vocore Screen Communication Error

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Hi there,


I have my Vocore Screen working for abaout a month now.

But Since yesterday i keep getting Error and cannot start any dahes anymoe.

I'm not sure if the some of the electronics of the Screen have broken or if it's Software relate to Simhub.


Powerup of the Vocore is working (Complete White Screen)

When Simhubs starts it gets only a staic image noise (see picture here).


In the Logs it says something about Communcation Error (see attached).


Can anybody help me please?


Thanks i advance



[2021-03-09 12:30:52,449] INFO - Starting SimHub v7.3.7 (build time : 14/02/2021 19:52:07)
[2021-03-09 12:30:52,455] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2021-03-09 12:30:52,458] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0, Windows 10.0.19041
[2021-03-09 12:30:52,458] INFO - License status : Licensed
[2021-03-09 12:30:52,458] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,018] INFO - (Re)Starting AssettoCorsaCompetizione Game Manager and plugin manager
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,021] INFO - Creating Assetto Corsa Competizione game manager (ACSharedMemory.ACCManager)
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,033] INFO - AssettoCorsaCompetizione game manager created
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,033] INFO - Setting listening UDP to 9000
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,042] INFO - Checking configuration status for AssettoCorsaCompetizione
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,044] INFO - Configuration status for AssettoCorsaCompetizione: GameConfigured
[2021-03-09 12:30:53,045] INFO - Creating plugin manager with plugins : SerialDashPlugin, AudioControlPlugin, JoystickPlugin, GraphicalDashPlugin, EnsiFerrumACCCDS, KeyboardEmulatorPlugin, NextionPlugin, ShakeITBSV3Plugin, ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin, LapHitoryPlugin, ThrustmastersPlugin
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,170] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,194] INFO - JoystickManager : Found BU0836A_Interface
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,206] INFO - JoystickManager : Found T500_RS_Gear_Shift
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,207] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Logitech_Dual_Action
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,208] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Button_Box_Interface_15
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,210] INFO - JoystickManager : Found HE_SIM_PEDALS
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,211] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,312] INFO - Loading font list
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,593] INFO - VOCORE : Creating browser instance
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,779] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,797] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,826] INFO - Font list loading successful
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,899] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,985] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2021-03-09 12:30:54,986] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2021-03-09 12:30:55,368] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2021-03-09 12:30:55,518] INFO - VOCORE : Loading|nocontrols|usbd480
[2021-03-09 12:30:57,034] INFO - Web client connected :
[2021-03-09 12:30:57,052] INFO - Active dash on : Idle_Dash_Benny
[2021-03-09 12:30:57,992] ERROR - System.Exception: Vocore Communcation Error
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.BitmapDisplay.VOCORE.VOCOREInterface.<>c__DisplayClass7_0`1.<SendBitmap>b__1(IntPtr b)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.BitmapDisplay.FastBitmapUtilities.Rotate90(Bitmap originalBitmap, Int16[] rotatedBitmap, Boolean flip, Action`1 postAction)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.BitmapDisplay.VOCORE.VOCOREInterface.SendBitmap[T](T sender, IntPtr deviceHandle, Bitmap bmp, Boolean flip)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.BitmapDisplay.VOCORE.VOCOREManager.SendBitmap(Bitmap bmp, Boolean flip)
at SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.BitmapDisplayBase`1.SendPicture()
[2021-03-09 12:30:57,997] INFO - Web client disconnected : Idle_Dash_Benny
[2021-03-09 12:30:58,721] INFO - Found one device on COM5 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNIJPX",
"TM1638ModulesCount": 0,
"RGBLedsCount": 26,
"UniqueId": "2406edf9-9e93-474e-a570-bec630677c58",
"DeviceName": "SimHub Dash",
"PortName": "COM5",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"HasI2CLcd": false,
"HasRGBMatrix": false,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2021-03-09 12:30:58,722] INFO - Switching device named SimHub Dash to speed level 11 on COM5
[2021-03-09 12:30:58,723] INFO - Switching device on port COM5 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2021-03-09 12:30:59,233] INFO - Connected to device on COM5 named SimHub Dash

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Benny

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 737

Hi ! Indeed something sneaky is occuring with the hardware, the log indeed shows an erorr during the communication (somewhere between driver/device. I've updated the documentation to show how to test the screen using the manufacturer demonstation, it's a simple but effective way to locate if the issue is truly at hardware level : https://github.com/SHWotever/SimHub/wiki/Dashstudio---USB-Displays#vocore-testing


New Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 3
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Thank You! I'll test this in the evening, so i can see if the Board/Screen is broken or I can nail it down to the Software.


Awesome quick response here! 🙂

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Posts: 3
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Couldn't resist and tested directly.

=> Effect is the same as with Simhub, I'm getting this picture on the Vocore (see attached file).

I assume this is NOT the "basic bitmap" as said in the descritption? 🙁


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 737

No unfortunately the picture should be the same as the product page (The fallout picture). Here it looks the same as what is happening when simhub is trying to send the picture. So it means it's something between the drivers and the hardware. In the zip file you will find the official driver as distributed by the manufacturer (for simhub usage I packed a custom version more stable) it's worth trying with this official one.
