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Which rumble motors for brake pedal?

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Hi there,

did anybody do some testing with different rumble motors for ABS and brake lockup on the brake pedal? There are a few different models available on AliExpress. I would prefer a rather strong ABS effect. Probably, this means to mount multiple motors to the same pedal.

But still, it would be helpful if anybody did some testing, which motors are the most suitable.

Thanks for sharing,


Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! I would suggest keeping with the gamepad rumble motors as shown on the wiki,  like these: https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32952123110.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6f0a60f1HD5Cod&algo_pvid=1be4e899-4db0-4d89-8860-99f198f3ecdd&algo_expid=1be4e899-4db0-4d89-8860-99f198f3ecdd-0&btsid=88a21c0e-26b9-4844-95ef-9a0637a8e6d9&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_1,searchweb201603_55

you can take only left models with the bigger weight.

Don't try to go bigger it would kill reactivity, that would not be a good deal. One motor per pedal is fine too, more than one would create bad resonance and result would be worst than one.


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Posted by: @admin5435



Don't try to go bigger it would kill reactivity, that would not be a good deal. One motor per pedal is fine too, more than one would create bad resonance and result would be worst than one.


thanks a lot for the response. Have you ever actually tried any of these slightly larger versions? I particularly like the idea of the dual weight.

I do have the Fanatec V3 currently, but am switching over to hydraulic pedals, soon. The rumble effect of the Fanatec is way too soft for my taste. How do the PS4 controller motors from your link compare to the Fanatec stock motors in terms of rumble power?

Dual weight version:

€ 5,11 30% Off | DC 12V 24V 0.3A 555 Vibrating Motor Dual Vibrator Strong Vibration DIY Massager 82mm Length

Similar construction as with the PS4 controller rumble motor, but larger motor:

€ 5,50 | 5 pieces H1 Black 260 Vibration Motor Strong Vibration Dynamic Circle R260 Miniature DC Vibration Motor 3-6V Massager

Cheers and thanks,


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The motors are driven with 12v versus the 5v of the fanatec pedals which makes them react really stronger. About the motors you linked I never had these particular models in hand but they look "not too big" "not too small", for the price it's worth a try :D, I'm always cautious when people want bigger motors, it often ends with crazy big motors and causes other issues: burned boards,drivers overheat protection trigger, big parasites causing arduino disconnects ..... and lot of fun issues like that.

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Right, thanks for your advice. I did quite some testing yesterday with Simhub and my old V3 inverted pedals on Assetto Corsa and (only) the effects “WheelLock” and “WheelSlide”. For testing purposes I assigned both effects to both pedals at full gain (on all levels: global, effect, etc).

I find the “Wheel Slide” effect rather unnecessary. I shall, however, also add that I am on a motion rig.

The “Wheel Lock” effect has to be set to 100% sensitivity for the ABS to be noticeable on my test car (Cayman GT4 Clubsport) in AC. With sensitivity on the default 50% it only produces a minimal spike at the very last 2-3 meters of a hard braking all the way to full stop, i.e. right before stopping (outside the ABS window of operation). But knowing this, at 100% the output seems about fine.

However, the feel for this rumble effect on the Fanatec brake pedal is close to zero. Funnily on the gas pedal, the same effect is stronger with all settings being equal. You can feel this difference in strength both when braking in-game (with the right foot just slightly touching the gas pedal while hard on the brake with the left foot) and also when hitting the “test” button in SimHub. The rumble motors on both pedals look to be the same from the outside and both of them look similar in size to the left PS4 rumble motor from your link above. I believe the difference in feel is because the rumble motor is so weak and the brake pedal has a much more rigid construction in itself compared to the gas pedal. The vibration of a tiny motor as the one mounted will just not make the strong overall construction vibrate all that much, eliminating most of the feel to pass through the shoe.

But as I am waiting for my new pedals anyway, this was, actually, meant to be a software test at this point. Also I made the decision that I won’t need any motor on the gas pedal, but only for the brake.

I decided to order these components to go with an Arduino Nano that I still have in my electronics box:

€ 4,58 | DC 6V-12V Strong Vibration Mini RS-545 Vibrator Motor Small Vibrating Engine Dual Head DIY Toy Hobby Massager Model

€ 3,75 6% Off | TB6612 Motor/Stepper/Servo/Robot Shield PCA9685 for Arduino I2C v2 Kit w/ PWM Driver

€ 0,95 6% Off | NANO I/O IO Expansion Sensor Shield Module For Arduino UNO R3 Nano V3.0 3.0 Controller Compatible Board I2C PWM Interface 3.3V

€ 0,52 6% Off | 30PCS 2.54MM 6Pin 8Pin 10Pin 10MM Long Needle Female Header Strip Stackable Header for Arduino W5100 6p 8p 10p DIY Kit

Shipment will take a few weeks from China and I will buy a SimHub license in the meantime.

Cheers and thanks,


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Hi...If you feel it when Fanaleds starts up, that probably means your threshold is not set up correctly. I believe the default value is around 82%. Try playing with this value (higher is more sensitive). It's also possible that you don't feel it when braking hard, but that's more likely a hardware issue. Let me know if this helps.
