wind sim and bass s...
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wind sim and bass shakers not working

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I am blaming windows update regarding my problems but need advice how i move forward hopefully without needing reinstall my pc with an earlier version of windows, problem is i will still get updates so this problem will return unless somebody can tell me how to permanently stop feature updates.

problem one:  my 6 channel usb sound card (cmedia) stopped and the latest windows wont accept the win 10 drivers, so it may be upgrade to a newer card.

problem 2: my wind sim has stopped, i have done the usual, swapped arduino, motor shield, cables, usb ports, rolled back simhub  blah blah. I tried the same wind sim setup on my non gaming pc and it runs perfectly. So thats where I concluded its a windows problem even thou the non gaming pc has the same version of windows. I actually run a monster motor board but as i have changed fans i tried the V2  shield.

My gaming pc is not so young,

MSI  Mother Board Z77A-GD80 (MS-7757), i7 3770 k (overclocked to 4200), 32 Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX 1660Ti running triple screens, Boots to SSD, PCI-e Type C #.1 USB card (for oculus quest), Cmedia sound for in seat bass shaker. I checked the simhub log but i cant see it helps but you may see somthing.

I really dont want to reinstall windows if someone has a solution. 


[2020-10-02 22:38:30,796] INFO - Starting SimHub v7.1.3 (build time : 28/09/2020 03:11:02)
[2020-10-02 22:38:30,804] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2020-10-02 22:38:30,808] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0, Windows 10.0.19041
[2020-10-02 22:38:30,808] INFO - License status : Licensed
[2020-10-02 22:38:30,808] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,347] INFO - (Re)Starting F12016 Game Manager and plugin manager
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,350] INFO - Creating Codemasters F1 2016 game manager (CodemastersReader.CodemastersF12016Manager)
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,370] INFO - F12016 game manager created
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,371] INFO - Setting listening UDP to 20777
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,402] INFO - Checking configuration status for F12016
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,408] INFO - Configuration status for F12016: GameNotDetected
[2020-10-02 22:38:34,409] INFO - Creating plugin manager with plugins : SerialDashPlugin, AudioControlPlugin, JoystickPlugin, GraphicalDashPlugin, KeyboardEmulatorPlugin, ShakeITBSV3Plugin, ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin, LapHitoryPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,792] INFO - JoystickManager : Starting game controllers detection
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,838] INFO - JoystickManager : Found Generic___USB__Joystick__
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,847] INFO - JoystickManager : Found F16_MFD_2
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,848] INFO - JoystickManager : Found FANATEC_ClubSport_Wheel_Base_V2.5
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,852] INFO - JoystickManager : Found FANATEC_ClubSport_Wheel_Base_V2.5
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,856] INFO - JoystickManager : Found vJoy_Device
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,858] INFO - JoystickManager : End of detection
[2020-10-02 22:38:36,902] INFO - Loading font list
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,382] INFO - Font list loading successful
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,574] INFO - Starting Arduino in Single USB mode
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,598] INFO - Matrix custom font custommatrixfont8x8 loaded
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,752] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,801] INFO - Web font-faces up to date
[2020-10-02 22:38:37,802] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2020-10-02 22:38:38,273] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2020-10-02 22:38:43,400] INFO - Found one device on COM5 named {
"ConnectedModel": "j",
"Features": "GNIJPXV",
"TM1638ModulesCount": 0,
"UniqueId": "19bade31-1f15-46a3-bd10-a937bce8557b",
"DeviceName": "COOLING FANS",
"MotorsCount": 4,
"PortName": "COM5",
"HasBoost": 0,
"HasSpeedo": 0,
"IsBluetooth": false,
"HasTacho": 0,
"HasI2CLcd": false,
"HasRGBMatrix": false,
"ExpandedFeatures": [
"MotorsBoard": "Adafruit Motor Shield V2",
"MaxAheadDatagrams": 0,
"DatagramMaxLength": 0,
"MCUModel": "ATmega328P",
"ReceivedDatagramsCount": 0
[2020-10-02 22:38:43,401] INFO - Switching device named COOLING FANS to speed level 11 on COM5
[2020-10-02 22:38:43,401] INFO - Switching device on port COM5 to speed level 11, 115200 bauds
[2020-10-02 22:38:43,650] INFO - Forcing arduino sync
[2020-10-02 22:38:43,934] INFO - Connected to device on COM5 named COOLING FANS
[2020-10-02 22:41:28,016] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Speakers (USB Sound Device )
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,721] INFO - Application exit
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,747] INFO - Stopping game manager
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,750] INFO - Stopping plugin manager
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,752] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,753] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,753] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,754] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,755] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,795] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,795] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,800] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,800] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,811] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,811] INFO - Saving plugin settings SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,835] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin plugin settings saved
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,835] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,835] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,837] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,838] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,888] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:08,889] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Speakers (USB Sound Device )
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,024] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,024] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,024] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,024] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,024] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioPlayPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,025] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,025] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,025] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.InputPlugins.JoystickPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,026] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.KeyboardEmulator.KeyboardEmulatorPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,026] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,027] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,028] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,030] INFO - Arduino performance report for COOLING FANS@COM5 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 12203, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 0, ReemitedDuetoWait = 0, Current ahead = 0
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - Stopping plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - Finalizing plugin SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - Stopped all plugins
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - Performance dump
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 33ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.SerialDashPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 341ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,042] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 888ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 165ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 77ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - MultipleSerialDashPlugin::WorkerLoop 12436calls 1210ms 12436calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioControlPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 107ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider::DataUpdate 12449calls 1ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - JoystickPlugin::PollThread 7055calls 84ms 7055calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.LapHitoryPlugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 0ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 572ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITMotorsV3Plugin::DataUpdate 12449calls 130ms 12449calls 0.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - JoystickManager::DetectJoysticks 2calls 165ms 2calls 82.000ms/call
[2020-10-02 22:42:09,043] INFO - Final Exit


Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 737

Hi !

About cmedia it's strange I use the CM6206 with no particular issue with the latest major windows release, maybe it's an older chip ?
About wind sim, I see that the "arduino health" is ok, it properly connects and communicates with no errors, so I would think about a configuration issue :
Can you check that effects are still enabled, with 100% volume ? 

That done can you check that the effect is still mapped to the correct motor, do not hesitate to click on reset you you remove any per effect gains which could exists :

The last point could be game configuration I see that you have f12016 enable but it's not "detected" (it means there is no game config file detected in your "documents" folder, can you make sure that telemetry is correctly working ?

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Posts: 8
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thanks for the speedy reply, yes every thing is turned up full its as if i can't write to the arduino. i had a problem with drivers at first when i checked in device manager the arduino uno came up as usb device where my other pc showed up as ch340 device. after updating i finally have device manager on gaming pc showing as ch340 device - but its still not working.

i am not testing via a game i have a small 5volt fan hocked up and using arduino power to operate it, using the test now button.  that method of testing is fine for the other PC but not the gaming PC. i tried different usb ports as well as usb 3.0 ports its as if it cant talk to the card. I perfored a sfc /scannow command and all was ok. 


At the moment i have 6 channel showing up in bass shaker but no vibrations/sound at all. If I default the cmedia card to do system sounds it works ok but as soon as i reconfigure the onboard sound to default i get nothing on the shakers and my systems sounds are ok.

it seems the same both sound and fans not responding to my inputs. btw - the game has been deleted i will fix later.


Request - any chance of getting flight sim 2020 added to the list i think bass shakers and fans would be a great addition for fs2020. 


This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by topgunwilly

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I would like to report an idiot hiding in my house, he was looking but not seeing what was staring him in the face. I found out later it was me that was the idiot. Wotever was showing me the problem as well as others in other posts with similar issues. I include a picture of my findings and  suggest a change for the next simhub update when muted the pointer dial should be at 0% not 100% when muted.

My feeble mind at 2 AM looked at the dial as yes volume the dial is at 100% as Wotever was alluding to and the red X was telling me to press if you want to mute not actually telling me it was muted - maybe this is whay other uses are having the problem not realising that the system is actually muted.

Anyway thank you to wotever for his tireless work with this amazing piece of software and his continuous support. Still would like MS FS2020 added to the games list thou. 

