WS2812B LED strip p...
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WS2812B LED strip performance

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Hi. I wired up an Arduino Nano to a 144 LED strip. I'm using a separate 5v power supply as the current drawn by 144 LEDs exceeds the capability of the Arduino. Set up is as follows: 5V and Gnd from LED strip to separate power supply. Data to D4 on Nano. Ground on Nano tied into Ground on the powersupply. USB to PC.

Simhub connects and downloads code and generally behaves accurately except for performance.

The performance of the strip is very slow and jerky. It is unusable in-game. Playing around with it, if I try to get the LEDs to flash (like max RPM) they flash very slowly no matter what Simhub parameters I set.

Am I doing something wrong?

I'm new to this, so let me know if you need more information or I'm not being clear.


This topic was modified 5 years ago by gmarch

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Bi ! As it makes sense performance is directly linked to how many LEDs are plugged, simhub uses a kind of "compression" to reduce the data to be transmitted by sending only the "delta" between  led framedframe and next frame  but obviously when you reach so many LEDs the frame rate will seriously drop due to serial port bottleneck and particularly when all LEDs are changing at the same time. You can raise the serial port baud rate to reduce this effect. You can also switch for an Arduino pro micro, the serial port on this board is infinitely faster 


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@admin5435 Hmm... Yeah, I suspected as much.

I'm not terribly familiar with the Arduino models - I also have a Mega 2560 Arduino. Would that be on par with the Pro Micro?

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No no 😉 mega will be the same as uno/nano it has a separate serial chip, only pro micro (and other atmega32u Arduino  boards)has integrated usb to serial capability, that this particularly which makes it faster.

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@admin5435 Thanks - this has been very helpful.
