Moving this here, as it doesn't really fit in Support.
The "Road Rumble" function is sorely missing from Assetto Corsa. Going from AMS2 to AC produces a much less engaging experience because of this.
AC shows Road Rumble as "Unsupported" in SimHub's Bass Shakers menu. A previous post has mentioned that the kerbs/rumble/grass are not communicated through telemetry. This likely makes native telemetry Road Rumble impossible (at least, I'd assume - crazier things have been done before with AC, as Sol/Pure has shown).
However, there is a "canned" FFB effect that the game itself sends to the wheel that semi-simulates this effect, which may be good enough. Now, as an owner of a direct drive wheel, I have this turned off, as I don't need it. However, if this data path were to be converted into a SimHub Bass Shaker output, that could possibly provide an admirable substitute. It's not something that would really need multi-channel accurate output either - either your car is on the rumble strip/grass, or it isn't. It could be a Mono signal.
Just spitballing here. It's a major omission, to no fault of SimHub itself. Kunos didn't see Bass Shakers as a viable platform when they were developing the game over a decade ago, and even if they did, their kerb implementation through both Simhub and through the wheel in ACC is lackluster anyway. It's the brilliant mod tracks of AC that would really benefit from something like this.
Thanks for your time, and considering my suggestion.
Do you want to try my preset? It's not be perfect for every game, but I designed it just to be just road bumps and impacts, and it works pretty well in AC. I used the Road Vibration effect in a different way to try to make it have a constant response. It's meant to provide feeling for the road. It's created to be used as a mono signal for the entire rig.
Replying here rather than starting a new topic, but I noticed yesterday that at some point recently, SimHub added AC support for both Traction Control and ABS effects, despite the fact that these effects are not conveyed through telemetry. Previously, these effects had a crossed out plug, indicating that these effects were not supported - but now, both work and work very well.
Thank you for this feature! Very cool to have ABS in my 992 Cup Car when I tried it out last night. It works great.
Of course, since I'm replying to my initial post, I now wonder if Road Rumble (kerbs, grass, etc.) is possible, considering that this effect also isn't conveyed by telemetry in AC - rather, it's a separate FFB data stream to the wheel. It is still currently crossed out, but is the last effect in AC that doesn't have plugin support.
It would be fantastic if this were implemented.
Thanks again for ABS and TC support, and cheers again for the fantastic app and its gradual improvement.
Bi-yearly bump for this badly needed feature.
Still holding out hope that it's possible. It's the missing piece in the SimHub AC experience.
Yeah, this would be amazing to add. I currently use Assetto Corsa Competizione and while Road Rumble is supported, the rumbling over the Kerbs is not transmited with telemetry either (afaik). I noticed though, some grey strips over some tracks do cause rumbling with simhub that feel amazing, also the Caroussel in N24 feels amazing with road rumble on, so clearly something is transmitted.
Would be great to be able to get the effects of the kerbs as well, but maybe its too complicated. Anyway, thank you for your work on simhub!
@dennis_suarez As far as I know, this issue is game-side in ACC - only a few surfaces are transmitted as FFB effects to the wheel, and by proxy the telemetry. It's an issue with the game itself - about half the kerbs produce no feedback whatsoever. That would be incredibly hard to get working.
Not the case with AC and its mod tracks - there is plenty of FFB/kerb information, whether it's the "canned" kerb effect or the actual road mesh rattling the wheel. It's just not directly transmitted in telemetry - there'd have to be a workaround. But, something similar was done for ABS/TC in AC, so perhaps it's possible.
hey guys any update or workaround solution for this ? ever since i got my tactile setup im unable to to enjoy AC because of missing kerbs.
@rana_kirti Unfortunately not. Still holding out hope that it's possible.
So, a bit of a revival of this issue with a new app/innovation that's surfaced on RaceDepartment over the past month or two.
Check out this app by user DaZd_:
This app actually sends extra data to SimHub via UDP via CSP LUA scripts - and upon initial inspection, it seems like there may be data streams that CSP does read that could possibly fit the criteria for kerb/road rumble!
No promises, obviously, but this is a huge step forward - and if these data streams can be sent to SimHub via this method, maybe Road Rumble is finally possible!
Hopefully @Wotever can have a look at this - it's perhaps the biggest step forward for this feature in the 5+ years it's been around.
Working on implementation with DaZD now - and fine tuning results.
Extremely promising start. Both Road Rumble and Collisions are working in a very rudimentary state.
This could finally be coming.
Working on implementation with DaZD now - and fine tuning results.
Extremely promising start. Both Road Rumble and Collisions are working in a very rudimentary state.
This could finally be coming.