I have been using my buttkicker gamer 2 for some time now and it is truly awesome, but the one thing I am missing in ACC is the vibration effects when going over kerbs. It feels weird when my steering wheel vibrates but the chair isn't doing anything 😋 . I think previously this wasn't possible because there were no kerb physics, but with the latest patch notes I think it is and I would like a update for it!
This was in the latest ACC patch notes:
- Kerb, slip, G-force and ABS vibrations added to physics API.
I hope this feature gets added to the game, because I am really missing it! Thanks for your time.
Good news for you and me, he’ll be adding it when he gets a chance 😉
Bro when does the bass shaker road rumble comes for acc??
I think he’s in the process of moving... he mentioned it would take longer than normal to add due to personal reasons.
Any updates on rumble will be implemented for ACC?
@arbane408 Hi,
Sadly, there is no useful data to drive the effect:
Thank you, @Romainrob. I assumed it was fixed since I'm getting the kerb ffb with the wheel. Looks like this has been a long standing issue with the game.