I made a post on the github but then realized it would probably be even better here. I did look in the search to see if there had been a request for this but didn't seem to find anything, or maybe the functionality is already there and I missed it. But the idea is pretty simple. Have Presets of selected add ons that would be a selectable profile. So when say I launch AMS2, a pop-up comes up (kinda like Steam) and asks what profile I would like to use.
If this is already a possibility please let me know, and couldn't seem to find any info on it. Maybe launch options but seemed like even if I did that I would still have to edit the game setting when playing VR and Non VR.
So off the top of my head I have 3 use cases but I'm sure there would / could be others.
#1 - Full Flat Screen Mode. I have a LOT of the immersion add ons and I LOVE them all and it makes playing in non-VR experience a really fun experience. So people that maybe can't or won't do VR they won't get a lack luster experience. So in this profile I would make sure all the games are preset to launch as Non-VR, but then also making sure all the add ons are checked/turned on.
#2 - VR Mode. So while in VR obviously I wont need a lot of the external add ons such as LED Flags, LED RPMs, VoCore Screen, etc etc, but at the same time I would still want to have Wind, Haptics, Seatbelt Tensioner etc. Not sure how much of a performance impact that would make but I'm sure if you have enough of them, that turning them off could give enough to help with VR. Or maybe not, but still would like to have them off.
#3 - Quiet/Night Mode. In the Virtual Pinball world there are a lot of similarities to the sim racing in the terms of add-ons, but in this case specifically a "quiet mode" where you can turn on / off any of the add ons that make a lot of noise. So could have a preset where you turn off the Wind, Buttkicker maybe even motion if your rig is loud etc. Now the way VPIN world does it, is a button can be on/off at anytime and disables the outputs to the solenoids etc. Not sure if can do that with simhub etc, but I would think potentially could be a possible hot key etc. Since telemetry is coming in regardless I'd think could turn off like wind while in game etc.