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Export telemetry to Motec

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Still new to SimHub for bass shakers. Works a treat!

I use AC, with acti app that, each time we are back into pit, export telemetry to motec files so we can just open them in motec (ld and ldx file per stint).

As SimHub also get full sharred memory telemetry (I guess), would it be possible that it write such telemetry to motec files ? acti is not developped anymore, we could fo example include car setup data in file (would really help to compare stints and setup dev), and it would allow having just simhub and not get twice telemetry (would help fps and efficiency). And simhub being based on telemetry, it sounds logical ...

Maybe we could have a setting pannel into simhub to check which channels to write to motec files, dunno.

Is it something doable ? Would rocks having that into one software, maintained and well tuned.

acti: https://www.racedepartment.com/downloads/acti-assetto-corsa-telemetry-interface.3948/

Basically, acti python app get telemetry data from ac and send them to acti.exe that convert to ld/x files. this exe isn't open source (seems to) so we can't add channel, data, car setup or anything as the exe won't write it anyway.




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Hello, as I know, SimHub primarily focuses on providing various sim racing peripherals, visual overlays, and effects.

While SimHub does have access to shared memory telemetry, it doesn't have a built-in feature to directly export telemetry to Motec files. Exporting telemetry to specific file formats like Motec's ld and ldx files typically requires custom integration or development specific to the software or tool you are using.

However, if you have access to the shared memory telemetry data within SimHub, you may be able to explore options to extract and export that data to external files using custom scripts or third-party tools. These tools could facilitate the extraction of relevant telemetry channels and the creation of Motec-compatible files.

To pursue this approach, you would need to find a script or tool that can interface with SimHub's shared memory telemetry and write the desired channels to Motec file formats. This would likely require programming knowledge and experience with the specific telemetry formats and APIs involved.


This post was modified 1 year ago 4 times by kennethbowen

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Posts: 2

Hope that my answer is useful for you.


This post was modified 1 year ago 2 times by kennethbowen
