Multiple Arduino De...
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Multiple Arduino Device Groups

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Hi there

I saw there are a few posts asking for basically the same. Can the GEAR/SHIFT-LIGHT and FLAGS animations be displayed on separate Arduino RGB Matrix devices?

Would be nice to have 1 or 2 (a pair) display gears and 1 or 2 (a pair) display flags.

I have 4 matrix displays, and have come to depend a lot on the shift light and watch the GEAR on them. But WHITE FLAG/GREEN FLAG mostly and other flags/spotter events tend to temporarily take the shift-light away at times at the most critical moments so would be good to maybe define multiple hardware devices groups and assign different animations at group level.


This topic was modified 4 years ago by uzikhan

cobretti and LucaMH reacted
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+1, would be amazing!

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yes please support multiple RGB Matrix to configure each independently instead of mirroring the same content. Very appreciated 😀.

E.g. spotter left on the 1st Matrix and spotter right on the 2nd Matrix.

This post was modified 4 years ago by Dizzy74

Gianiii28 reacted
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+1 on this request - thanks!

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@admin5435 BIG THANKS


its done in 7.4.10 and working well


😍 🍻 

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First my confiiguration: I have two 8x8 matrix each on his own arduino nano on seperate usb-com's. 

I wanna have the flag signals on both, but the spotter only on the right one (left = left and right = right). So how do I have to configure simhub that this is working? Do I have do configure the flags twice for each side or can I make a group for the flags and in this group one left flag and one right flag? 

This post was modified 2 years ago by iMattmax

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It would be great if we could control multiple 8x8 matrix,s with a single arduino to save usb ports.
