Stream Deck integra...
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Stream Deck integration

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first of all, thank you for this amazing piece of software! It's been game changer for me regarding tactile - I have tried everything, but SimHub is the best (by FAR), especially with the ability to create own effects via Javascript!

I just got the Stream Deck for usage with motion software SimFeedback - what can be done with it can be seen here:

Link to the extension: shown in video above.

I was wondering, if it would be possible to add similar support to SimHub? I have found this little plugin for SimHub, which allows for assigning StreamDeck buttons to SimHub controls which is great for tuning, but it would be even better, if there was tighter integration. With functionality of that small extension, you can modify the values (that is possible to assign via Controller settings), but there is no way, to show what the values actually are directly on the StreamDeck.

It would be great to be able to show the values for tactile overall / effects gain directly on the buttons. Now it's necessary to have the SimHub open on some monitor to see what the values are and be on the appropriate tab.

For example, I would like to use it to tune the wind, which is in ShakeIt Motors tab, so even with having monitor, it would be necessary to switch the tabs in SimHub to see the actual values of the effects.

Also loading different profiles via button (for tactile / motors) would be great.

StreamDeck SDK can be found here

I think there are more and more StreamDecks out there, so it might be useful to broader audience, I have found some question about SimHub + StreamDeck on the Google.

Many thanks for considering this.

PS. I could help out with icon design for this.


This topic was modified 5 years ago 4 times by Buri

Fixtor reacted
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I second the request for stream deck integration.  I've just tried the plug-in below but it looks like there is only one way communication, SD > SH, therefore effect toggles can get out of sync, no reporting of effect settings ie 85%.

Just enabling this plugin to report back a SimHub effect status and intensity level would be a game changer !

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I'm using Contour Design ShuttlePro ( ) - it's 4th from the top Elgato stream deck alternative - and have the same question.
Is this device compatible with SimHub? Or with any other streaming deck from that list I sent? What would you recommend to me?

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Sorry for the double posting. I edited this post, so you can delete it. Regards.

This post was modified 3 years ago by nomad

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A two way Streamdeck integration as you suggested would be a real gamechanger in usablity on the fly and setup all parameters. Please Wotever... integrade this. 

Best regards

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Stream deck integration would be awesome. I really hope it gets added.

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I have started a plugin for SimHub and one for Stream Deck. In combination, they make it possible to update the state of Stream Deck buttons through SimHub property values.

I made a video of the basic functionality on YouTube:

Both plugins are available on GitHub:



Please note: At the moment, the latest released version of the Stream Deck plugin is version 1.2, which was released almost a month ago. The documentation for this version can be found under I will release a new version 1.3.x in the next few days (some more testing is necessary). This new version will support expressions. The documentation of this upcoming version can be found in the "main" tree:

New features will be added in the future. E.g. a button which will display property values from SimHub, like RPMS, Speed and so on.

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@dr-sim Your plugin looks very promising. Great that someone is investing his time into ot. For my special case I would like to use the two way communication to get the actual percentage of the shake it effects on the streamdeck. That way i would be able to change the effects on the fly with an actual feedback what the actual settings are. Do you think it would be possible to add that to your great plugin,too?

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@domidom4 Thank you for your feedback. This feature request already came up a few days ago in a thread of Peter Winkler (may be he is known to you because of his SFX, Tactile etc. expertise).

I am already able to send input events to SimHub via my plugin (the first part of your requirement) - well, this feature exists only since a few seconds. The second part is more complicated: I assume that you want to set the gain value on different and nested effect groups. At the moment, I have only a very "hacky" and ugly way to get this information about the effect groups. I will try to get more information on the SimHub discord in the next days.


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@dr-sim Thanks for your reply. I am able to change the effect gains with the old Streamdeck Plugin where i can bind the buttons to the effects with the original controller binding option of shake it.

Ive found the effect gains in a file called ShakeitBassShakerSettings.json in the simhub folder. Sadly this file is only refreshed everytime simhub is closed. It is not saved on the fly when one value is changed. 

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I released new versions of my plugins (you need both of them):


SimHub Plugin v1.2.14:

It is now possible to access to "double" and "float" values (until now only "bool", "int" and "long" where supported). This allows access to 296 properties.

Stream Deck Plugin v1.3.38:

Most important feature is the possibility to add expressions, which will determine the state of the Stream Deck buttons, such as ">=-500".


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This is FANTASTIC - just found it and am setting it up now. The only question I have so far is can you add a title next to a value that's pulled from SimHub? For example I want a button to say:




Where "ABS:" would be text that I'd add with the value then pulled from SimHub (say "ABSLevel") - I tried "ABS:"+ but everything I tried would just break it.

Thanks again for such a FANTASTIC integration!


This post was modified 2 years ago by Exigeous

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Another question - would it be possible to have 2 different actions/hotkeys on the same button? For example if I short press it generates a "1", if I long press it generates a "2". That way I could control iRacing to increase/decrease things like Traction Control and ABS using a single button.

I know you can have SimHub detect a short or long press and perform actions accordingly but I could see a way to get SimHub to set ABS or TC values for me, or to even just output a simple keystroke (but as I'm a moron I bet I'm just missing something).

Thanks again for this!


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@exigeous Thank you for using my plugins.

Text next to value: See Enter your property into "SimHub property (for title"), e.g. "" or "DataCorePlugin.GameData.ABSLevel" if there is no other logic required. Then enter "ABS: {:D}" or "ABS: {:F0}" into "Display Format". You can even insert a line break, so that you could use "ABS<return>{:D}". Section 2.3.2 describes exactly this with the example of Break Bias.

Short and long keypress: That's something I have to investigate. I just added the feature of long keypresses a few hours before release of v1.6, but I haven't really played around with it.

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I do not understand, how LongPress and ShortPress are working in SimHub 🙁

I thought that the following would be possible: Assign key "a" with "ShortPress" to e.g. a ShakeIt Bass effect group "Increment gain" and assign key "a" with "LongPress" to "Decrement gain". But this assignment is not possible.

So: How are ShortPress and LongPress working?

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