Stream Deck integra...
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Stream Deck integration

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This integration is awesome !

I tested it today and it works so well. Thanks a lot for your work.


Do you have a patreon or something where i can give you a tip ?

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Glad you like my software.

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If you have done so, you can optionally inform Peter @ pwistudio, that you donated amount X to organization Y. Peter created the project "DIY for Charity". You can reach him:

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This post was modified 1 year ago by Dr. Sim

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Hi, there,
Thank you very much for this great plugin, which I've been using for several months without any problems.
I had found one piece of information but I can't get my hands on it again. In order to find the "gamedata" that your plugin needs to query an in-game status, it seems to me that there's a log file that needs to be searched.

To be a little more precise:

I'm doing an action, an action happens in-game, can I retrieve this action to integrate it into my Streamdeck?

Second question, I'm trying to integrate the status of the TC cut but the "DataCorePlugin.Gamedata.TCCut" integration doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone managed to add the value of the TCC in coirs to their streamdeck?
I can modify the in-game value with "".

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I use the tab "Available properties" in SimHub to find the property that corresponds to a given game state. Be sure to select your game in the "Games" tab and to enable "Show game specific properties (rawdata)" on the "Available properties" tab. If you find a property in the section "DataCorePlugin" or if it is a ACC specific property, check the description and list on - maybe you can use the prefix "dcp" or "acc" to get a slightly better result in terms of performance and type-safety.

What game are you using? There is no generic property for "TCCut". If you select ACC as game, you will find "GameRawData.Graphics.TCCut" (if you enabled "search game specific properties), which in turn is also available as "" - both names will work in the Stream Deck plugin.

It all depends on what properties are exposed by the game. ACC exposes a lot, AC only a subset (e.g. "DataCorePlugin.GameData.TCLevel" or "", but no TCCut). AM2 does not expose any TC or TCCut data at all.

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Great software by the way! Love everything, but I got a stream Deck and have the plugins both installed, but I am not sure how to get an Overlay That I made to launch, I only use Iracing, and made a dashboard overlay, and want to bind it to one button, So i can just start my PC, start Iracing, and then hit my overlay button, 

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I do not have iRacing, so I am not quite sure. But you have two options to send Stream Deck button events to the simulation:

- You send it as a keystroke, like "P" or "Ctrl + P" or something like that. In this case, you simply enter "P" in the "Hotkey" field and optionally tick "Ctrl".

- You send it through the SimHub Control Mapper. In this case, you already should have configured the SimHub Control Mapper feature correctly in SimHub. Then you can simply select one of the "roles" from SimHub by selecting it in Stream Deck in the dropdown "SimHub Role".

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Thank you very much for this great plugin.

I use this plugin with Stream Deck Plus.
If I use "Dial Stacks", the functions assigned to the press button will not be available.
Therefore, I would like to be able to substitute the press button by tapping the Touch strip.
Are there any plans to support Touch strip tapping?

Thank you for your cooperation.

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This is a great plugin.  Thank you for your work.

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Hi, this looks so awesome, I'm afraid it might be a little over my head technically.  I'm currently having difficulties getting my Stream Deck Plus to even be recognized by Sim Hub, it doesn't show up as a source controller, I'm using VJOY and downloaded the Stream Deck plugin.  Wondering if you have any ideas to fix that.  Before I work on that though I'm wondering if I should use your plug in instead of the basic Sim Hub Stream Deck route.  More so once i get this set up I'm wondering if I could get your Source controller setup files,  I use Iracing, ACC and just recently Le Mans Ultimate (by the way its awesome already better than every other game). I have a Fanatec DD1 with a Formula v2.5 wheel, I use Fanalab.  I would be willing to pay you to help me get as many controls as possible thru my stream deck.  I have bad tremors and using the mouse is challenging and jumping in and out of apps and settings is a total pain in the ass. Im 50 years old and just got into Sim Racing its a perfect fun activity I can do.  Let me know, 

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@bald-condor You have to install both of my plugins: The Stream Deck plugin and the SimHub plugin. Installation instructions are easy: Just put the SimHub plugin into the Simhub directory and restart SimHub (, and just download the Stream Deck plugin and double click on it (

if both are installed, do a first check, if the communication is working:

Select any game in SimHub (you don't have to own the game, it is not necessary to start it, just select it in SimHub). E.g. ACC. Now open the page "Available properties" in Simhub and search for a property with a usable value. E.g. "DataCorePlugin.Computed.Fuel_RemainingTime", which shows "00:00:00". Click with the right mouse button to open the context menu and select "Copy name". Now drag my "Hotkey" key onto one of your Stream Deck buttons. In the settings of the "Hotkey", scroll down to "SimHub Property" in the section "Title" and paste the property name ("DataCorePlugin.Computed.Fuel_RemainingTime"). The button should instantly show "00:00:00". If this is the case, the plugins are working.

As I understood, you want to use the SimHub Control Mapper to control your simulation (at least you mentioned vJoy). Open the page "Control mapper" in SimHub. In the section "Output Mapping", you can see all available buttons that you have configured in SimHub. Switch back to the Stream Deck application to my "Hotkey". In the section "Keypress" there is a drop down "SimHub Role". It should display the exactly same list of buttons. Select one. Now if you press this button on the Stream Deck, the associated "Output mapping" in SimHub should turn red for a moment.

If your vJoy installation was successful, you should be able to use it in your simulation. You should use the SimHub "Mapping assistant" (also in SimHub on the page "Control mapper") to assign buttons in your simulation.

So my plugins only communicate between SimHub and Stream Deck. The whole Control Mapper stuff and vJoy (or an Arduino Pro plugged to your PC and flashed with the SimHub firmware) happens only between SimHub, vJoy (Arduino) and your simulation.

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hey man! amazing plugin so far! works so well. I have everything up and running so far however I do have one small snag. for the hotkey there are 2 icon states represented by the 2 dots under the icon in stream deck software. the one on the left is for off one on the right is for on. when I add an icon I see that it makes a version thats darker so that you can differentiate between on and off however by default it puts the darker one to on and brighter one to on. is there a way to switch this around without having to go in and manually create icons for the different states?


EDIT: Never mind I figured it out. just had to put ==0 instead of =0.

This post was modified 11 months ago by silverturky

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Posted by: @silverturky

EDIT: Never mind I figured it out. just had to put ==0 instead of =0.

Perfect, that's the correct solution!

Compare operations are described here:

If the result does not match, just invert the comparison (e.g. `==` to `!=`, `>` to `<=` and so on).


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hi i have a please could you maybe make a tutorial how to set up the buttons or is there something like that already (sorry für meine englische aussprache)

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@eibeluca Hi. There is documentation on my GitHub pages. Please see and all the pages below this node.

If you need specific support, you can open a ticket here: or there: - depending on whether it is more related to the Stream Deck side or the SimHub side.

You can write your ticket in German - ich spreche Deutsch.

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A new version of the Stream Deck plugin is available.

SimHub Property Server v1.8.6: - same version as before, no changes

Stream Deck Plugin v1.11.20: - see below

As usual, please download from the "Releases" page of GitHub.

  • 1 Bug fix: SD+ dial press did not work any longer since Stream Deck v6.5
  • 1 Feature: SD+ touch tap is now also supported. Helpful if you are using Dial Stacks, in which you cannot use the "dial press" function

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