one more fan for wi...
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one more fan for wind from any direction

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simhub has awesome wind sim.  but i feel like it is incomplete...  and it bugs me because it is so close to being complete.  just one more signal and it could have wind from virtually any direction. something like a-format.   WXYZ.. 4 fans aimed up and down at you in 90° angles, TOP front/rear (0°&180°) & BOTTOM left/right (90°&270°)= wind from all directions, forward and reverse up and down, etc.  everywhere.  then it's done.  support some flight sims with windsocks and move onto HVAC simulator.

few games in VR i think 3d wind would be cool Ultrawings, Eagle Flight, Vox Machinae, VR Regatta... 

Games like no mans sky, elite dangerous, and subnautice, could use wind to simulate different atmospheric conditions and extreme weather maybe... denser atmospheres all fans blow a little harder at idle

wind sim could be used for most room scale VR titles just for motion sickness and feeling like you're moving when you're not actually moving... am pretty sure you might be able to get most games covered just some basic system within SteamVR.. like advance settings reveals there's a lot of telemetry going on just within the basic framework.  and if you could, you'd want it to be 3D so that it could emulate any direction you might be moving in.  

Star Shelter is another VR title...  you move in all the directions, but you're in space, but it would STILL be awesome if wind actually blew when you moved in those directions.  even if it was a rough estimation..

something about DIY rotary subs? VR it'd be freaking maaaad to have wind and haptic LFE in all 3 dimensions maybe even auto corrected from the hmd being tracked and having a mic on it i mean, that's the kinda feedback they could only dream about back when this sort of stuff was first conceived... but that's just about how many people would want 60Hz instead of 10Hz in the event that a few big titles in VR got some lurv.. i'm sure it'd result in more mulah for the devs lol

This topic was modified 1 year ago 152 times by morphemes
This topic was modified 12 months ago 68 times by morphemes
