Last seen: Mar 25, 2025
Hi ! The arduino with fake CH340 chips were creating lot of internal errors and extreme CPU usage since the windows driver update from november. when ...
Hi ! You are probably victim of a fake ch340g chip on your Arduino, You can find all the explanations and a fix here :/p>
Hi !Exclusive access depends of the design of the application, overall to control a vjoy you have to take control, update it, release it, taking contr...
Hi ! This is usually a symptoms of fake ch340g chips (on arduinos)You can find an explanation and a fix here :Microsoft have released a new driver in ...
Hi !If you are using arduinos with fake CH340 chips this is a symptom of the latest CH340 driver delivered since a few days through windows update, yo...
Hi ! Broadcast is only a small part of the telemetry, the core of it is only exposed locally by the game (shared memory) and so SimHub will only get i...
Hi !Probably a serial port conflict : can you make sure your button box is blacklisted or not included in Simhub scan/p>
Hi ! Unfortunately ACC doesn't offer any telemetry on consoles:/p>
Hi ! If you are using the custom serial deviceas shown here you don't need any of that just reading from serial as any standard Arduino tutorial shows...
You need the actual pedals to be plugged to it. Simhub does read directly the inputs from the p1000/2000 controller. If you use it in standalone mode ...
Hi ! Unfortunately grid auto sport telemetry does not provide this data.
Hi 60fps is only theoric with a few little areas being redrawn. In real conditions this means having an irregular framerate depending of the size and ...
Have you assigned the effects ?
Hi ! New versions often triggers false positives for a short time, Every new version is scanned through virus total (both zip and separate installer...
Hi not being recognized is a typical symptom of an aggressive VPN. Could you try to uninstall it temporarily ?I guess that disabled vpn mean...