Last seen: Feb 19, 2025
@r-v Note that the Arduino Motor Shield Rev3 can provide up to 4 amps, 2 amps per motor channel, but once 2amps total is reached the voltage drops to ...
@r-v I have seen with others that the fans still spin if some of the wiring is the wrong way around with testing it on the motor shield, but then it n...
@r-v That is an odd one. What motor shield did you use in the end? This is an unlikely cause - but are your fan wires wired in to the + and - the same...
@cratica Can you confirm that you have done this: In Simhub, there should be a tab on the left that says games, click on that, then find the game you ...
@jim54230 Glad its sorted, enjoy 🙂
@jim54230 That makes sense regarding your other motors/channels. I'm struggling to see what could be wrong, I found this post, maybe they can help?/p>
@jim54230 Hi - I don't know the exact answer, as I used the single channel MD10 with my jumpers on D2 and D3, hopefully gazzip will be able to help as...
@xbooster Sorry for the late reply, unfortunately I don't know much about LED setups, but I can't see why you couldn't use these/program these as well...
@xbooster Hi Jerome, so the Cytron MD10 or MDD10, is the best option I believe, it is easier to setup. I used the MD10 (which just has one channel so ...
@yobrevar Hi, I didn't use the static wind effect, I used the Shakeit Motors tab. Under that I ammended the settings under speed. I don't know if you ...
@chris99 Glad you liked the tutorial, I like your solution and thanks for sharing it. The more the merrier, and hopefully we'll get more people siming...
I have now done a video of people prefer to watch rather than go through the above, the video can be found here: Enjoy!
@ferrari2k Hi - My fans spin up and slow down pretty quickly, with no real lag when braking or accelerating. What size and spec fans are you using? I'...
@guybmoto Glad to hear it has been helpful, enjoy your wind sim 😃