Last seen: Mar 11, 2025
@coyote I might be able to add numbers to them; I'd preferably not remove the bars since I love visualization lol but I should be able to add som...
@axeblokie Thank you for your Feedback!Unfortunately, I have not yet implemented a way to make this work but I have it on my list of to-do's! I...
The time has come, after some troublesome real life things, I finally found some time to make the next update ready! V1.1: Real time ETA / ETE U...
Just a headsup; I'm still alive, I got my private/career stuff sorted out now and I will continue working on the dashboard more actively again; I made...
@uncle-eric I'd need to work that out, so far it's only made for ETS2 but I do have plans to make it ATS friendly or release a separate one for ATS, j...
@stringerpt Sure do but if you don't mind could you send me a link to the iOS app because I can't seem to find it ^^' maybe I can find a fix for the a...
@xillee Since you use TruckSimulator Plugin, the gear numbers might differ, I have to look into that since I haven't tested my Dashboard with TruckSim...
@stringerpt I just checked on said phone, iPhone 13, I had the same bug at first but after simply refreshing the browser page it seemed to be working ...
@stringerpt I had something come up and forgot to update the post, but yes, I can test it with her iPhone; I'll get to it in the next week or two, I'l...
@stringerpt Ohh that's a damn good question since I'm only on Android and wouldn't have expected iOS to behave differently- I might just be able to co...
@botmeister That actually sounds like a fairly simple solution and I don't know why I haven't come up with it- I was so fixated on coding it probably ...
Here comes a very detailed insight into my current development since it might take some time until the next release! (Normal text is the general bul...
V1.0.240504 - 2024-05-04 Bugfixes: "Total Distance" showing up correctly again Download it here: Download Ultimate ETS2 Dashboard