Active Member
Joined: Aug 23, 2020
Last seen: Mar 7, 2021
Topics: 3 / Replies: 11
RE: Getting smoother Tacho movement

I'm using old cell phones for my Simhub Dash. Most will handle the digital stuff just fine. But when it comes to analog gauges my Samsung S4 struggl...

4 years ago
RE: Shake It Motors and RF2 - help with a problem?

@spaceman I used the original iVIBE wiring to the motors (each was about 3 feet long). Each motor connection on the motor shield has 2 connections ...

4 years ago
RE: Shake It Motors and RF2 - help with a problem?

@spaceman Q1: 18v 3.5A, which was the spec of the original iVibe TFS2 power supply. I've read that the Arduino boards are pretty flexible regar...

4 years ago
RE: Shake It Motors and RF2 - help with a problem?

@spaceman Items needed: ELEGOO UNO R3 board - Stepper Motor Servo Bridge (I picked up this one) -/p> Power Supply (I picked up THIS one) -/p> ...

4 years ago
RE: Need Help Sim Dash

Here's the Ncalc formula for oil pressure (converting BAR to PSI). [GameRawData.Telemetry.OilPress] * 14.504

4 years ago
RE: Ncalc for iRacing OilPressure and Weight-jacker??

Here's the Ncalc formula for oil pressure (converting BAR to PSI). [GameRawData.Telemetry.OilPress] * 14.504

4 years ago
RE: Need Help Sim Dash

Weight-jacker formula: [GameRawData.Telemetry.dcWeightJackerRight]

4 years ago
RE: Ncalc for iRacing OilPressure and Weight-jacker??

Just in case anyone is searching for this, here's the formula for weight-jacker: [GameRawData.Telemetry.dcWeightJackerRight] You have to ...

4 years ago
RE: Need Help Sim Dash

Thanks. This is very helpful!

4 years ago
RE: Ncalc for iRacing OilPressure and Weight-jacker??

Bump. Still trying to resolve these. Weight-jacker value in iRacing is top of the list. Hoping anyone who's gotten it to work can share the Ncalc ...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 4912
RE: Shake It Motors and RF2 - help with a problem?

So just a follow-up in case someone is searching this topic. Apparently the car settings and such are preset for the AI and so when you turn your car...

5 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 3720