Did you know ?

  • You can verify your hardware compatibility and do time limited tests sessions without a licence. Do not hesitate to check before buying ! 
  • Read more about the motion addon here 

Please make sure to update simhub before using this licence (9.4.0 or more is required)

Ready to take the jump and get your SimHub Motion addon licence ?
* 20% VAT included. The Simhub licenced edition is required : you can buy it here
1 Select your payment method
2 Complete
You will be redirected to paypal to complete the payment.
(usually a few minutes).
If you haven’t received it after 24hours, do not hesitate to contact me
A few checks to make sure everything goes fine :
  • Make sure your mailbox is not full or inactive.
  • Check your spam folder in case your mail provider wrongly classified it as spam.
  • When using Paypal make sure your primary paypal email is up to date.