Supported Hardware
Dash Studio Displays – Digital screens capable of displaying dashes made in Dash Studio (excludes Nextion)
- USBD480 Screen
- Mobile Phone
- Tablet
- Secondary Monitor
- HDMI Screen
Arduino Displays – Inexpensive electronic products capable of displaying game data
- TM1638
- TM1637
- I2C LCD Display
- WS2812 LEDs
- MAX7219 LED Matrix
- MAX7219 Segments
- WS2812 LED Matrix
- WS2812 Strip
Arduino Motion – Ranging devices capable of providing tactile feedback
- Bass Shaker
- Rumble Motor
- L298N Motor Board
- Moto Monster Board
- Fanatec Pedals
Arduino Gauges – Electronic products capable of displaying analog game data
- RPM Gauge
- Speed Gauge
- Boost Gauge
- BMW E36 Cluster